Sunday, May 1, 2011

We're at Streaky Bay, SA

Streaky Bay is a lovely place, so they say.  So, for that matter, are many of the places that we drive through.  Unfortunately, somehow we hooked up a rain cloud in Kal, and have dragged it behind us for the last 5 days!  The farmers should be thanking us....... supposedly it hasn't rained this much in 5 years in this neck of the woods!  Still, we have seen some great stuff, and so I'll summarize our travels in pictures.
So DAY ONE (Monday 25th April):  We leave..... nothing much happens, we drive for a long way and get to Kalgoorlie.  We did see a sign that amused me at least - an advertisement for a book - "A man, a Dog, and a Dead Kangaroo".  A history of Kellerberrin (I think?  I may have to correct).   Jenna asks before we hit Northam whether we are across Australia yet.  Mitchell is hungry. Get to Kal and meet up with the crew who have been touring the Goldfields, and go out to the pub for dinner.  It's Kal.  Its what one does.  We did all go to try check out the Super Pit, but it was closed due to electrical storms.  This was our warning....

This is us about to leave.  See the blue sky?  Nice isn't it?  Jenna thinks we are going to the moon.

DAY TWO (Tuesday 26th April):  We get out to the SuperPit, which was super, and then pfaffed about for a bit.  Waved goodbye to the Goldfields tour group who were heading back to Perth, pfaffed a bit more, then went to check out the super pit at night.

DAY THREE (Weds 27th April):  The rain........ it starts....... we did manage to pack up camp before it really set in.  Went and looked around the mining Museum, then off we set.  Next stop Kambalda!  Pete played the Nullarbor Links course (the longest golf course in the world, FYI, holes at all the servos across the plain to Ceduna).  So, Kambalda, then Norseman, then Fraser's Range, then Balladonia, where we stop, and its raining, so we go soft and spend the night in the hotel.  What wusses.

Jenna at the "lake" nr Norseman Golf Club
Having trouble captioning, so to explain below left - golf club at Norseman - included for the improper use of classic 70's party ware - ie the ice bucket!  Below right - Norseman the horse.  Below below right - camels at Norseman, and left, Sunset and Mitchell at Fraser's Range station. It was really pretty at Fraser's.

Sunset at Fraser's Range

DAY FOUR (Thurs 28th April):  Can be summed up with Balladonia -> Caiguna -> Cocklebiddy -> Madura (expensive fuel - $2/L!!) -> Mundrabilla -> Eucla.  Mundrabilla was weird - felt like I was in Radiator Springs from the Cars movie - days gone by kind of feel.  Anyway, the photos....
At the start of the .......

Adding our rock to the cairn!  :)
The drive was pretty boring in parts, so......

Zebree says "Rrroooowwwwwrrrr!"  and

I call this still life on the Nullarbor.
Pete down the Caiguna Blowhole.  The smudge above him on the left - is a fly.  There were just a couple.

Some stylin' 70's signage....... feeling like I'm in Radiator springs about now....
Old car at Madura.  Left there cos it was too expensive to fill 'er up, cheaper to walk....

The Mundrabilla pool - Mitchell was disappointed  :)
They are in the wrong order a bit.  I cant seem to move them very well :-/

DAY 5 (Friday 29th April):  Eucla -> Border Village -> Nullabor Hotel -> Nundroo.  In the rain.  The whole day.

The Lager Loving whale at Eucla

Jenna feeding the chickens that woke us at about 4.30am.

The "Rain Moths" that came out in the dozens and hung out near the bathrooms.  They were huge.

Telegraph Station ruins, Eucla.  Interesting brickwork.

We were trying to find the derelict jetty.  Pete thought "That-a-way".

So we went for a bit of a bush bash......

.....and this was the result.  He so proud!  And we didn't find the jetty.  In fact, we didn't find the beach.  We just ended up heading west again, and figured that wasn't the best way to be going.  All part of the adventure....
Rooey II (and reflection - wooo!) at Border Village.
Scenic lookout at the start of the bight somewhere.
The road sign one has to take a picture of...... its in the rules of Nullarbor crossing....  technically you are meant to get out and do poses.  The fineprint says you don't have to if it is raining.
Us at Head of Bight.  Noone else there, so this was the best angle we could get with the timer.  :)
The Great Australian Bight.  Spectacular stuff. 

DAY 6 (Sat 30th April):  Nundroo -> Penong -> Ceduna -> Streaky Bay - YAY!
Camping at Nundroo.  By this time, the canvas was soaked through (although not leaking much - phew!) and so everything was damp everyday when we set up....... mmmmmmm......
The Big Wombat, not exactly sure where it was.  A relatively new addition to the
"Big Things" list, I think!

On the Links hole at Penong.
These signs amused me - inappropriately perhaps!  Evidently the South Australians have better reflexes than us though - they only need 600m notification for roadside parking - we need a whole kilometre!  On the positive, we used less reflective paint.
Streaky Bay - the weather was foul, but the kids had been so long in the car and just wanted to go to the beach.  And loved it.

Me at the same beach.  I was OBVIOUSLY loving it.


Puddle jumping, just to cap the day off!
And thus ends chapter one of the blog.  Sorry it took so long!  Will try to be more efficient in the future.  Although, having said that we are now at Port Augusta, and so i am already running behind.  Hope you are all well,
- K, P, M & J


  1. Awesome photos! Bummer about the rain - hope it clears up soon!

    We have the wine chilling in Canberra here for when you get here (in fact, in order to chill wine in Canberra, we just leave it out in the garden...)

    See you soon!

  2. How was the Crows training session?

  3. You will just have to wait until the next blog, Pete! should be up tmw, (Thurs)
