Monday, May 30, 2011

Hey, Ho, to Canberra we go...... :)

Ah, the Snowy Mountains...... its scenery for the soul!  Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.  We had a great time here.  Although..... there may have been a SMALLISH accident involving the car, which, for fairness' sake, I must include in the blog.  There MAY have been a ninja tree that jumped me in the dark, causing me to slightly smash the tail light.  I thought it a good effort on my part that my own ninja reflexes saved more of the car from being damaged.......

DAY 28 (23rd May):  We mostly stayed home this day, for R&R time.  Supposedly, according to the weatherman, this was the day it was going to rain.  We had clear skies until about 4pm.  :(  Anyway, this was the day of fixing the car up - Mcgyver style!

Look at that.  You'd hardly know anything was wrong!  :)  Lucky we packed the Tarzan's Grip.....
And then when we got the packing tape.....

MAGIC!  It'll last til we get back, at least.  I hope.  If not, we've got a whole roll of packing tape.....

DAY 29 (23rd May):  Thought we'd set off to find some snow to play in again today.  Unfortunately, it had been raining overnight, so I didn't think our chances were good.  Nonetheless, we hired a toboggan, and set of towards the high country......
This was Perisher Valley.  Not allowed to go on the slopes though....

I just liked the name of this ski field  It sounds like something from Red Dwarf!  :)

Eventually we found a small patch of snow that had survived the rain - not big enough to toboggan on, but enough to piff icy snowballs at each other!  Fun..... 
 J getting a shot in....

Pete giving it his best....... he missed - hehehehe!

Picking on Mummy!

Still being picked on!

Cold hands - funny that!  :)

After that, we headed back, stopping in at Sawpit Creek to have a look around.  I wanted to go for a walk, the fam weren't so keen, so off I went.....
Self portrait of me walking......  with cheesy "I feel a bit stupid doing this" grin....
I thought it was so nice, that I then went back and forced the rest of them out of the car to come with me.  Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha......  So we set off on a 2.6km walk around the creek.  Really pretty.
 The walking track.  M starting to cheer up, but still far from enthusiastic....

 Bridge over mountain stream.  Starting to be a bit more entertained!

 Checking out how cold the water is.  Pete spent a lot of time filming this, in the hope that he would win $10 000 from Funniest Home Video when one of us fell in.

 Family of kangaroos that we passed.  Not at all fazed by us invading their space

 More walking along the trail.....  quite a steep drop off!  But how's the serenity!?!

M ended up thinking it was pretty cool.

 Then we headed back to town
Jindabyne from the road in.

Interesting little fella I saw on the bin!  Smaller than your little fingernail, but bright green!

Pete was on dinner.  He really let his inner chef take it away!

DAY 30 (24th May):  Driving tour today!  First through Dalgety, which I was told was on the final list for being "Canberra" when they were choosing where to put it.

They seem to be in the process of replacing all these old wooden bridges - we passed a few that had been bypassed.
 Being "cool" in Dalgety - I was copying J!

After Dalgety (which we HAD pictured as being slightly larger) we went on to a place called Bombala, which is meant to be the "Platypus Capital" of Australia.  The fine print, if we had read it, would have mentioned that it's only the capital at dawn and dusk, and if its not windy.
As it stood, we effectively just went and visited a nice spot on the river, and looked at the way the wind rippled across it's surface.  And then got back in the car.
 Nice old pub at Bombala.

Then we drove to a place called  Nimmitabel, which on the maps, is said to have a lollyshop.  It does.  It just only opens on the weekends.  So pretty much we then drove home!  What a grand day out!  All part of the adventure......  :)
Old railway siding on the way home.

DAY 31 (25th May):  Packed up the the morning and headed off, aiming for Canberra to stay with my bro Al and his uber-cool family (there you go Rach! :-D), which the kids were really looking forward to, as there are cousins around the same ages.  We were super efficient in our packup, and managed to leave by 9am, so, as we weren't due to arrive until after 3pm, I suggested that as we "had some time to kill" why don't go see some stuff.  Famous last words! "Some stuff" ended up being 6 hours worth of sights.  But what a day.  It was awesome.  Like, totally.  Let me share with you.....

First stop was Adaminaby, home of the "World's Largest Trout". And not much else.....  However, then we went out to find "Old Adaminaby" which was one of the towns that had to be shifted because of the Snowy River Scheme.  Lucky Lake Eucumbine was a bit low, so we could see bits and pieces of left over houses.
 Walking down the front path....  You can see in the background how low the lake was, all of this would have been under water if it was full.

Steps to nowhere.....

From there, I had wanted to see one of the old huts in the Snowies, and the most accessible one was the Currango Homestead.  It didn't look too far on the map, but the roads were gravel and single lane, so it took a while.  Turned out it wasn't really a hut, but it was still pretty cool.

 This was the slaughter house!  Which ruins the sense of nostalgia that I was trying so hard to create.

 I liked the way the wood twisted around, as if it had been wrung out.....
 Stables and carriage house
 Outhouses!  :)
Again, the wildlife weren't too fazed to see us there!  Even the baby wanted to check us out :)

From there, we noticed on the map that we were close-ish to some thermal springs, if we took a shortcut across the table lands.  The map said 4WD, and we're tough, so off we went.  Was pretty cool, as we got to see some brumbies, which I'd secretly been wanting to see as a result of reading both Banjo Patterson verse, and the Silver Brumby books as a kid.  There was no silver ones though.... but here we go...... more movies, now that I've become so tekkernogically adept!

TECHNICALLY, the brumbies are a real pest that the parks don't really seem to know what to do about.  But they are such a joy to see running free.....  :)  And they weren't worried by us cruising through their neighbourhood at all.

Not that we were cruising.  This is what we were doing.......
It wasn't graceful.  And the car did not look pretty at the end of it!  But it WAS fun!

Once we FINALLY crossed there, we found the track to the springs - its was really steep, and zig-zagged down the side of the mountain.  Took about 15 minutes to descend, through a wilderness of mountain gum trees, then all of a sudden, at the bottom, there was manicured lawns, and a parks office!  Bizarre....  Then a five minute drive and a walk down a very steep track through bush to find.....

 View from the track down.

 Amazingly clear water....

 Me going for a dip

The kids had a ball!  The toddler pool was a bit algae covered - not really the season for swimmers, I guess! 
How magic is that?  Spectacular, and there wasn't another soul within coo-ee distance.  We went down there wearing jumpers, beanies, etc, but the water is a constant 27 degrees, so swimming was lovely!  Not that Pete found that out - Captain Wussy Pants!  I do have to say that coming OUT of the water was NOT so lovely, and one tended to dress pretty fast! 

After that, we continued on to Canberra, arriving a LITTLE later than anticipated, but what a day!  Has to have been one of my favourite days so far.

We stayed in Canberra for two days, doing not very much - just enjoying family time, not to mention a roof over our heads and proper beds!  But Canberra will have to wait until next time.

As always, stay safe and well,

K, P, M & J x


  1. Surely you could have found someting better than Bryan Adams for the off road filming?! Jimmy Barnes?

  2. Hahaha - we are unashamedly children of the 80's! I did notice that it was rubbish music, but what could I do? I blame random ipod function...... totally inappropriate choice, ipod...
